Postal cheque credits

A convenient and flexible way to pay in your cheques


Post your cheques to us using Royal Mail and we’ll credit the money to your account, safely and securely.

What is the postal cheque credits service?

It’s a convenient way for businesses that bank with us to deposit cheques into their account by post, using Royal Mail.

Pay in cheques from your office or home

Wherever you are, you can pay cheques into your account, simply and securely. 

Deposited within two working days

You can access your funds within two working days from the moment we receive your cheques.

Ideal for larger and more frequent deposits 

You can deposit up to 50 cheques at a time.

Deposit more than cheques into your account

Our service is flexible­ – you can also send postal orders, cheques drawn in the UK and merchant sales vouchers.

How postal cheque credits work 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the postal cheque credits service.

First, register for the service 

Before you can use this service you need to register by calling us on 0345 605 2345. We’re here Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, except for bank holidays.

Once you've registered, we'll send you a guide showing you how to use the service. We'll also supply you with the envelopes you'll need to use to send us your cheques.

Next, fill out the credit slip 

Fill out and complete the pre-printed credit slip we send you once you’ve registered, before you send us your cheques.

Post your cheque to us

Post cheques and your completed pre-printed credit slip in the envelopes we provide, using Royal Mail. This means you can post the envelopes at your nearest post box.

We’ll process your cheques and pay the money into your account

Once we receive your envelope, we’ll process it on the same day. We’ll credit the money into your business account within two working days after we’ve received it.

What you need to know about using the postal cheque credits service

Check the details below to see what we can and can't accept from you through this service.

Before you send us money to deposit

Here’s what you can send to us by post.

Sterling cheques

Postal orders

Merchant sales vouchers

Here’s what you can’t send to us by post.


Non sterling cheques

How to send your order

Use the envelopes we provide

If you run out of envelopes, order more by calling us on 0345 605 2345. We’re here Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, except for bank holidays.

Fill out a credit slip

Always include a pre-printed credit slip like you would at a branch or the Post Office.

Don’t use your own envelope 

Only use the envelopes we provide to make sure it’s delivered to us correctly.

Don’t change the address 

Send your envelopes to: Barclays PO BOX, 284 Rotherham S98 1RZ. Any cheques you send to the old or different Barclays address won’t be processed. Cheques with a return address will be returned to the sender. If there’s no return address, the cheque will be destroyed as per Royal Mail’s procedures.

Register for this service by calling us on

0345 605 2345.

We’re here Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, except for bank holidays. Call charges.

Other ways to pay in

Use a range of ways to pay in cash and cheques from wherever you are or through a branch or Post Office.

Deposit cheques using our app

Use your mobile device to take a photo of a cheque, upload it to our app to pay it in from wherever you are. You must be 18 or over to use our app. 

Discover deposit by app

Use our self-service machines 

Deposit up to £4,000 in cash or a cheque of any value at one of our self-service machines. They’re available in most of our branches.

Discover self-service

Everyday banking at the Post Office

Make deposits, withdrawals and pay in cheques to your business account at over 11,000 Post Offices nationwide.

Post Office banking

Barclays Collect service

Arrange a secure cash collection from your business premises of up to £20,000 cash and up to 50 cheques on a day that suits you and we’ll deposit the money into your account.

Discover Barclays Collect