WEBVTT 1 00:00:12.900 --> 00:00:19.200 One of the most common things new investors wonder about when it comes to getting started, is whether or not it’s a good time. 2 00:00:19.200 --> 00:00:21.840 As the saying goes – there’s  no time like the present. 3 00:00:21.840 --> 00:00:25.680 Stock markets don’t move in a straight line  and without the help of a crystal ball,   4 00:00:25.680 --> 00:00:30.120 there’s no way of choosing the best day to  invest your money. Even the professionals   5 00:00:30.120 --> 00:00:35.040 don’t have the answer. What’s important is  whether it’s the right time for you to invest,   6 00:00:35.040 --> 00:00:38.700 rather than worrying about what’s  happening in the wider economy. 7 00:00:39.540 --> 00:00:43.560 And the right time will be different  for everybody. But as a rule of thumb,   8 00:00:43.560 --> 00:00:47.580 if you don’t have credit cards debts or  loans and you’ve got rainy-day savings to   9 00:00:47.580 --> 00:00:52.320 cover unexpected costs, and short-term goals  – like holidays – and then you’ve got some money   10 00:00:52.320 --> 00:00:57.540 you can afford to put away for a few years  – we suggest at least five – investing is   11 00:00:57.540 --> 00:01:02.820 worth considering. Because the sooner you  start, the longer your money has to grow. 12 00:01:02.820 --> 00:01:07.860 Naturally, there will be ups and downs along the  way and sometimes the value of your investments  13 00:01:07.860 --> 00:01:12.180 will fall. But this only matters if you  want to sell your investments – otherwise,   14 00:01:12.180 --> 00:01:15.840 it’s just a loss on paper. And  even if you do need to sell,   15 00:01:15.840 --> 00:01:20.100 you will only lose money if the value  is lower than the amount you’d invested. 16 00:01:20.100 --> 00:01:24.000 If you’ve been investing for a while and  the value has gone up before it's fallen,   17 00:01:24.000 --> 00:01:26.280 you might still get back more than you’d put in. 18 00:01:26.820 --> 00:01:32.100 Also, try and avoid knee-jerk reactions  if stock markets start to fall. Some of   19 00:01:32.100 --> 00:01:35.880 the worst performing days have been  followed by some of the best. So if   20 00:01:35.880 --> 00:01:39.840 you panic and sell because share prices  have fallen, you risk missing out on the   21 00:01:39.840 --> 00:01:44.160 recovery. It’s time in the market that  matters, and not timing the market. 22 00:01:44.160 --> 00:01:49.800 Historically, over the long-term stock markets  tend to produce better returns than cash,   23 00:01:49.800 --> 00:01:52.020 though there are of course no guarantees . 24 00:01:52.020 --> 00:01:56.220 By keeping your money invested and  riding out difficult market cycles,   25 00:01:56.220 --> 00:02:01.620 it should have time to recover from any  market downturns so you reap the longer-term benefits. 26 00:02:02.220 --> 00:02:06.660 Once you feel you’re ready to start investing,  we offer lots of different ways to help you get   27 00:02:06.660 --> 00:02:11.580 started, allowing you to be as hands-on or  hands-off as you like. But whichever option   28 00:02:11.580 --> 00:02:17.340 you choose, you can be confident knowing you’re  with an experienced provider. So,   29 00:02:17.340 --> 00:02:22.200 however involved you want to be, there’s a way to  start making your money work harder with Barclays.