WEBVTT 1 00:00:11.280 --> 00:00:16.720 Hello and welcome to the June episode of Monthly  Market Insights. I'm Phil Attreed, Barclays Head   2 00:00:16.720 --> 00:00:22.320 of Wealth Specialists. And as usual, I'm joined  by Will Hobbs our Chief Investment Officer.   3 00:00:22.880 --> 00:00:28.640 Now, Will, it's been another turbulent month  across investment markets and whilst I'm sure   4 00:00:28.640 --> 00:00:34.240 it's very stimulating for the investment teams  in their day-to-day work, investors I think are   5 00:00:34.240 --> 00:00:38.240 probably looking forward to the episode where  I'm going to be able to stop saying that. 6 00:00:38.880 --> 00:00:43.840 100 per cent, Phil. I can't say it's going to  come anytime soon, I'm afraid, but yes, I agree. 7 00:00:43.840 --> 00:00:47.920 I get that feeling as well. But anyway,  Will and I are going to have a go as usual   8 00:00:47.920 --> 00:00:53.040 unpicking what's going on in the world. Also  what the path ahead might look like and so hot   9 00:00:53.040 --> 00:00:58.720 topics really continue to be about oil, inflation,  central banks, and I suppose a little bit more   10 00:00:59.840 --> 00:01:04.800 about the hunt for stock and  bond opportunities that might be   11 00:01:04.800 --> 00:01:10.945 out there particularly at current levels. So,  Will, could you set the scene for us if you can? 12 00:01:11.760 --> 00:01:15.920 Phil, that's not easy question actually more and  more difficult than usual. I'll try and do like a   13 00:01:15.920 --> 00:01:24.080 brief world tour because each region is facing its  own set of quite individual challenges some of the   14 00:01:24.080 --> 00:01:29.520 same ones as well, but with quite individual  toolkits as well. So if you start with the US   15 00:01:29.520 --> 00:01:34.080 because that's still by miles the most important  for us as we know in terms of the outlook for   16 00:01:34.080 --> 00:01:44.240 investment markets. If you start there, the good  news is that the data is okay. The economy is slowing,   17 00:01:45.040 --> 00:01:50.720 but you want that to be the case. That sounds  perverse but as we've explained before this is   18 00:01:50.720 --> 00:01:56.320 what central bankers are trying to achieve. This  is what mostly people want to achieve in order to   19 00:01:56.320 --> 00:02:02.400 try and reconnect aggregate demand with aggregate  supply so that you get this inflationary pressures   20 00:02:02.400 --> 00:02:10.000 under control again, but, they need to cool demand  for everything basically, for workers, for goods,   21 00:02:10.000 --> 00:02:18.880 for services. But incoming economic data, the  latest batch of data suggest that the US economy   22 00:02:18.880 --> 00:02:25.680 has quite a bit of cooling to do before the  central bankers will feel relieved enough to stop   23 00:02:25.680 --> 00:02:35.040 trying to get interest rates up at such a sharp  level. Europe has a job to do too on this front,   24 00:02:35.040 --> 00:02:40.160 in terms of that inflationary story. That's the  same thing really at work for somewhat subtler   25 00:02:40.160 --> 00:02:46.720 different reasons but they've got obviously the  added complication of the unfolding tragedy in   26 00:02:47.440 --> 00:02:53.760 Ukraine and proximity there and everything that's  going on there obviously creates a much more   27 00:02:53.760 --> 00:03:00.240 uncertain outlook for the European economy. If you  think about if the gas supply which still could   28 00:03:00.240 --> 00:03:05.600 be cut off that plunges Europe into an immediate  economic darkness and that's not quite foreseeable   29 00:03:06.560 --> 00:03:11.680 very easily calculable in terms of the odds that  that might happen. So you want to be wary of   30 00:03:11.680 --> 00:03:18.080 overconfidence there. In China, they're continuing  to, the policymakers continue to play ‘Waco mole’   31 00:03:18.080 --> 00:03:24.080 against Omicron which as we know is a much more  transmissible variant, it's proving difficult as   32 00:03:24.080 --> 00:03:30.160 the news from Shanghai this week suggests and  there you've seen a very sharp deterioration   33 00:03:30.160 --> 00:03:35.680 in economic activity because of that battle and  that's made things very difficult in the short   34 00:03:35.680 --> 00:03:42.480 run there. Further out, you should see a bounce  back, activity inevitably will bounce back but   35 00:03:42.480 --> 00:03:47.280 we've said before that the outlook for China is  difficult as well. It's like I say, it's really   36 00:03:48.000 --> 00:03:54.080 very different outlooks and different regions and  the big story on the consumer side is this excess   37 00:03:54.080 --> 00:04:01.280 savings pile that we've talked about before: how  will that be deployed to what extent will it be   38 00:04:01.280 --> 00:04:06.320 deployed and region to region? In the US it's  perceived to be a bit more evenly distributed   39 00:04:07.520 --> 00:04:12.720 across households and therefore maybe a bit more  likely to be deployed and the latest spending data   40 00:04:12.720 --> 00:04:16.320 showed that that was a little bit the case.  They're dipping into their excess savings.   41 00:04:17.040 --> 00:04:22.000 That's a little bit more questionable in Europe,  UK as well. The perception here is that it's a   42 00:04:22.000 --> 00:04:27.840 bit more unevenly distributed, more clustered in  the top 40% by income distribution and that has   43 00:04:29.120 --> 00:04:36.000 a different outcome in terms of what you would  expect to be spent, if that all makes sense. 44 00:04:37.040 --> 00:04:41.637 It does indeed. You made reference a  couple of times there but the big question   45 00:04:41.840 --> 00:04:49.280 at the moment appears to be when we're likely to  see the friendlier side of central bankers again. 46 00:04:50.000 --> 00:04:54.640 Yes, it'd be nice wouldn’t it? It feels a long  way away right now. It's amazing to think,   47 00:04:54.640 --> 00:04:59.680 if you look at this year from a little over  a year ago and you look at what markets and   48 00:05:00.480 --> 00:05:05.680 most were expecting at that stage and  forecasting for 2022, it was really about   49 00:05:05.680 --> 00:05:09.840 central bankers sitting on their hands for  much of it, still in nurture mode, trying to   50 00:05:10.480 --> 00:05:16.640 nurture the economy back from the blows of the  pandemic. And yet you fast forward to today and   51 00:05:17.280 --> 00:05:23.840 you have got quite the opposite; you are already  in the US deep into rate-rising cycles, you've got   52 00:05:24.480 --> 00:05:30.560 coming in the US, the next few meetings are  expected to be again chunky rate rises. They’re   53 00:05:30.560 --> 00:05:36.080 going to be a good deal higher by the end of the  summer. The question mark for investors, like you   54 00:05:36.080 --> 00:05:42.720 say, there is: when do those central bankers not  just stop raising interest rates, but when do they   55 00:05:42.720 --> 00:05:47.600 change their communication a little bit? That will  be the thing for investors to watch. There’s not   56 00:05:47.600 --> 00:05:54.880 much sign of it at the moment and you want to be a  little bit wary, the energy prices are now pushing   57 00:05:54.880 --> 00:06:02.080 out some of those expectations with regards to  the plausible peaking inflation even in the US.   58 00:06:02.800 --> 00:06:10.320 So it's a very complicated backdrop there.  I suspect a tough summer ahead. That's the   59 00:06:10.320 --> 00:06:15.520 current expectation. That could change, like I  say, but that's our current base expectation. 60 00:06:16.320 --> 00:06:21.440 And I suppose with that in mind, it'd  be pretty tempting to certainly wait   61 00:06:22.320 --> 00:06:29.520 until making any substantial increases to stock  markets to equity exposure. Would that be fair? 62 00:06:29.520 --> 00:06:34.560 Yes, so it's interesting isn't it? Because a lot  of people will look at pullbacks of the size   63 00:06:34.560 --> 00:06:41.120 we've seen and look at it and say that's naturally  tantalising. If you look on a probability basis   64 00:06:41.120 --> 00:06:45.920 you look at the size of the pullback relative  to historic pullbacks you would say that   65 00:06:47.280 --> 00:06:54.880 buyers would get interested. We would say  it's not as easy as that really, the outlook as  66 00:06:54.880 --> 00:07:00.880 I've described is sufficiently complicated to be  relatively low conviction. That's reflected in our   67 00:07:01.520 --> 00:07:06.560 Tactical Asset Allocation book; there's a batch  of short-term positions the team focuses on to try   68 00:07:06.560 --> 00:07:12.720 and add those little performance cherries here  and there to the overall SAA performance cake,   69 00:07:12.720 --> 00:07:25.200 the Strategic Asset Allocation cake. But what you  can see there is that the book is what's called   70 00:07:25.200 --> 00:07:31.280 relatively flat. We're not, there's not massive  positions at the moment. The team is scouring   71 00:07:31.280 --> 00:07:35.920 the world for opportunity. But at the moment  it's discretion is the better part of valour.   72 00:07:35.920 --> 00:07:42.080 Like I say the outlook for central banking and  inflation, it's so uncertain at the moment and   73 00:07:42.080 --> 00:07:49.280 it is very, it's dictating, it’s a really  strong market influence at the moment that   74 00:07:49.280 --> 00:07:54.000 inflation story and the uncertainty that  surrounds the short-term outlook there   75 00:07:54.800 --> 00:08:01.360 should mean that for the moment anyway, we're  more cautiously positioned in that tactical book. 76 00:08:01.360 --> 00:08:07.600 Yes, not a time to be too bold just yet. But I  guess one positive to take out of the start of   77 00:08:07.600 --> 00:08:12.720 the year and some of the moves that we've seen  both in stocks and bonds is that the return   78 00:08:12.720 --> 00:08:18.080 prospect I suppose maybe for the years ahead  maybe look a little bit more attractive than   79 00:08:18.080 --> 00:08:21.760 they have done in the past. I think you'd made  reference that a little bit in what you just said. 80 00:08:22.640 --> 00:08:27.840 Yes, this is a little bit, in these very difficult  times, I guess this is a weird thing, 81 00:08:27.840 --> 00:08:36.640 but this is an investment video, isn't it? But  yes, you're right. I think your expected returns   82 00:08:36.640 --> 00:08:43.200 probably are a little bit higher than they were.  The backup in bond yields is helpful there. Stocks   83 00:08:43.200 --> 00:08:48.640 have fallen some distance in some corners as  well. So there's less froth and we talked in   84 00:08:48.640 --> 00:08:53.840 our outlook actually about the need for some of  that froth to get blown off markets at some stage.   85 00:08:54.480 --> 00:08:59.840 As always when it comes it's more shocking than  writing about it in advance or speaking about it   86 00:08:59.840 --> 00:09:04.640 in advance. But yes, the expected returns are  higher and that really is always the finishing   87 00:09:04.640 --> 00:09:11.680 point for our conversations. You must be so  bored of hearing it by now but hopefully it gets   88 00:09:11.680 --> 00:09:19.120 through. Repetition, I hope, and conviction, it's  my personal belief as well, is that there's no   89 00:09:19.120 --> 00:09:24.640 point in getting too caught up on what's going on  right now in a very confusing tactical backdrop.   90 00:09:25.200 --> 00:09:31.600 The returns to longer term investments that's just  about making sure you're fully invested all the   91 00:09:31.600 --> 00:09:36.800 time. Don't worry too much about what's going  on in the short term. These are fluctuations.   92 00:09:37.680 --> 00:09:42.640 Your entry point right now as in days and  months won't make a big difference in terms   93 00:09:42.640 --> 00:09:49.280 of your long-term returns expectation. Those  short-term tactical tweaks, that's more about   94 00:09:49.280 --> 00:09:53.680 adding basis points here and there. Like I say  the meat and drink of your returns is just going   95 00:09:53.680 --> 00:09:58.960 to be from being invested and having faith that  over the long term, humankind will continue to   96 00:09:58.960 --> 00:10:03.760 invent new stuff and get better at using that new  stuff, productivity. And that was what will drive   97 00:10:03.760 --> 00:10:10.480 your returns and as you know, I have strong  faith that will be the case, we can go through   98 00:10:10.480 --> 00:10:16.560 that on another podcast again, but I think  that's the major point to take away as usual. 99 00:10:17.440 --> 00:10:22.480 There’s always certainly interesting things  going on in the world. Will, thank you as always,   100 00:10:22.480 --> 00:10:26.880 very insightful and thank you our viewers and  listeners for joining us. If you would like to   101 00:10:26.880 --> 00:10:31.600 keep in touch with our views over the course of  the next month between episodes, please do seek   102 00:10:31.600 --> 00:10:38.165 us out on our podcast Word on the Street where  we share all of our latest views on developments.