Help with The Barclays app Using the app
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Invest with the Barclays app
Find out more about how you can place trades and fund your account via the Barclays app.
Help with the Barclays app
Your banks in one app
Find out how to see your current accounts from different banks in the Barclays app, and how bank account aggregation works.
APP scam claims
How we’ll handle authorised push payment scam claims from 7 October 2024.
Using your debit card abroad
You can use your debit card, in shops, restaurants, petrol stations and hotels worldwide. You can also withdraw cash abroad in ATMs.
Using your debit card abroad
Find out whether you can use your debit card abroad and how much it will cost.
Post Office banking
Did you know you can do your Barclays banking essentials at the Post Office?
Barclays app International payment
Budget better with the Barclays app
app can help.
Archive: App terms and conditions
Archive terms and conditions for using the app.
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