
Verify your address

Confirming your address

When you open a current account with us, we have to ask you to verify your identity and address by providing some documents that confirm who you are. If we haven’t seen these documents, we’ll send you an email and text message to let you know what’s happened and what we need you to do.

It shouldn’t take more than five minutes to update your details. You’ll need your phone to take photos of your documents.

What you need to do

Step 1: find the right documents

You’ll need one of the following:

  • A bank statement from another bank, dated within the last three months and showing at least one transaction. This can be from a bank in another country, as long as it shows a UK address (we can’t accept statements from online-only banks)
  • A credit card statement from a UK credit card company, dated within the last three months
  • A UK gas or electricity bill, or a landline phone bill, dated within the last three months
  • A UK, European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) mortgage statement, as long as it shows a UK address
  • A council tax bill, demand letter or exemption certificate, issued within the last 12 months
  • A universal credit benefit statement less than 12 months old
  • A benefit entitlement letter (other than universal credit) less than 12 months old, confirming the benefit payable at the time it was issued
  • An HMRC tax notification dated within the last 12 months
  • A UK credit union statement dated within the last three months.

Step 2: upload your documents

Select the button below and you’ll see instructions as you go along – here’s what to expect:

  • When the page has loaded, select ‘Start Verification’
  • Select the country your document was issued from
  • Choose the type of document you’re uploading
  • If your document matches the description, select ‘Continue’
  • On the next screen, you’ll be asked to take a photo of the document on your mobile device
  • Take a photo of the document by clicking on ‘Continue on phone’ when the next screen loads
  • Review the image to make sure it’s clearly visible and select ‘Upload’
  • You’ll see a completion message.

Upload documents

How your documents will be used

Our partner, Onfido, will verify the documents on our behalf. We won’t use your documents for any reason other than to verify your address.

What happens if I don’t verify my address?

We’ll have to put some restrictions on your account and we may need to close it. You won't be able to apply for any products, services or lending until we’ve verified your address, so it's important you do this as soon as you can.

We’re here to help

If you need any more help or need to speak to us, here are all the ways you can contact us.

To see how we keep your information safe, please take a look here.