Barclays Verify
Verify your identity using the Barclays app
Speed up applications for business accounts and services by verifying your identity using our app.
Why do I need to verify my identity?
When you apply for a business account or service with us, we need to check that you are really you – not someone just pretending to be you. This helps us prevent fraud and it protects you.
We can do this when you visit one of our branches as part of your application, but Barclays Verify does it all in the Barclays app. So it’s quicker and more convenient for you.
When can I use Barclays Verify?
We’ll tell you when you can use Barclays Verify when you contact us to start an application.
What you'll need
The Barclays app and a compatible Apple or Android smartphone or tablet
Suitable photo ID
A UK address and mobile phone number
How to use Barclays Verify
Just install the Barclays app on your mobile device to get started – it’s fast, safe and secure.

2. Launch the app
Select ‘I’m new to Barclays’ on the app home screen to get started.

3. Select ‘Yes, you’ve asked me’ below ‘Have we asked you to verify your identity for a business application?’
We’ll need a few details to get things up and running, and to make sure you can come back to the app if you leave without finishing.

4. Verify your identity
We need a few personal details to verify your identity, plus a picture of your photo ID and a short video that shows you speaking.

5. Get ready for your appointment
When we’ve verified your identity, check you have everything you need for your appointment with us – we’ll explain in the app. And if you don’t have an appointment yet, we’ll explain how to make one, too.
Want to know more?
Call us on 0800 515 462 to talk about using Barclays Verify for your business application.
Lines are open Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm. To maintain a quality service, we may monitor or record phone calls. Call charges.