
What's your risk level?

Our key investment principles to approaching risk

The value of investments can fall as well as rise and you could get back less than you invest. Investing is not for everyone. If you’re not sure about investing, seek professional independent advice.

When it comes to your investments, it's important to work out how you really feel about risk and what level you are comfortable with.

The more risk you take the greater the potential rewards, but it’s important to ensure you’re comfortable taking that extra risk.

Our three investing principles can help you manage risk and to decide the level that’s right for you

Find the risk level you’re comfortable with

You don’t want your investments keeping you awake at night, so it’s important to choose where on the scale you want your money to be invested.

At one end, there are low risk options for very cautious investors and at the other, higher risk investments for the more adventurous among us. The higher up the risk scale you climb, the more potential there is for returns – but also for losses, so make sure you’re comfortable with the risks associated with your investments.

Play the long game

Thinking about long term goals makes it easier to ride out stock market ups and downs.

Investing should be approached with a minimum time frame of five years or longer. This is why short-term fluctuations in the stock market should not trigger any changes in your investment strategy.

Play the long game, because it’s about ‘time in the market, not timing the market’. Make sure you have some cash held in savings to deal with life’s unexpected expenses, so you can keep your investments secured over the long term, especially during periods of market volatility.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

Spread the risk by splitting your money between investments with different risk levels.

Spreading your money across a range of different types of assets and geographical areas means you won’t be depending too heavily on one kind of investment or region. Being diversified can help even out returns over the long-term, as different assets may perform in different ways depending on market conditions at the time. So a weak returning investment shouldn’t affect your portfolio’s overall performance too much as your stronger returning investments will ideally make up for it. Remember that, in some instances, cash can also play a role in a balanced portfolio, as well as other investments of varying asset classes.

Why choose Ready-made Investments?

Learn how to start your investing journey with Barclays Ready-made Investments

Choosing to invest could make a difference to your financial future.

With many options to navigate we know investing can seem complex and time consuming So we have a simpler way to start investing Barclays Ready-made Investments You can get started in three simple steps.

1. Select which of our FIVE funds is right for you based on its level of risk Think of it like riding a bike.

Defensive fund; in the park with stabilisers

Cautious fund; in the garden without stabilisers

Balanced fund; in the cycle lane

Growth fund; off road wearing a helmet and knee pads

Adventurous fund; over rough terrain if you like a thrill.

2. Open a Smart Investor account.

3. Sit back. Leave the hard work to us.

We will manage and monitor your funds and will keep you updated on performance With over 325 years of banking heritage combined with our investment expertise you know you’re in experienced hands.

Ready-made Investments

If you’re ready to invest but are short on time or need some inspiration, you might want to consider one of our five ready-made investment funds. You don’t need to be an expert – our team of professionals create and monitor our funds.

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