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Our Terms and Conditions

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Here are the Terms and Conditions for the investment products and services we offer you.

Investment ISA

Investment Account

Barclays SIPP

Barclays Direct Investing

Effective from July 2023:

Smart Investor terms [PDF, 1.7MB]

Notice of Variation for Smart Investor Terms January 2025 [PDF, 194KB]

Effective from April 2025:

Smart Investor terms [PDF, 301KB]

Effective from July 2023:

Smart Investor terms [PDF, 1.7MB]

Notice of Variation for Smart Investor Terms January 2025 [PDF, 194KB]

Effective from April 2025:

Smart Investor terms [PDF, 301KB]

Effective from July 2023:

Smart Investor SIPP terms [PDF, 705KB]

Notice of Variation for Smart Investor SIPP Terms [PDF, 195 KB]

Effective from July 2023:

Barclays Direct Investing terms [PDF, 1.6MB]

Notice of Variation for Direct Investing terms January 2025 [PDF, 194KB]

Effective from April 2025:

Direct investing terms [PDF, 281KB] 

Terms and Conditions for Smart Investor accounts and notices of changes to these are sent to Smart Investor account holders. Older sets of terms can be found here

Your personal information

For more detailed information on how and why we use your information, including the rights in relation to your personal data, and our legal grounds for using it, please go to our Privacy Hub or you can request a copy from us.

Best Execution Policy

Your orders will be carried out under the Barclays Bank UK PLC Best Execution Policy.

Read our Best Execution Policy [PDF, 179KB]

By giving us an instruction to buy or sell an investment with a limit order, you are expressly instructing us not to make this information public. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more information.

Online banking guarantee

When you use Online Banking, you're automatically protected by our Online Banking Guarantee for your banking transactions. This means that if you fall victim to internet fraud on your Barclays Bank account, we'll cover your loss for your banking transactions – no matter how much money is taken from your account – as long as you've used Online Banking correctly. This doesn't include making good on instructions to buy investments through Smart Investor.

Read the Barclays Online Banking Guarantee

Product Manager assessments of value

We won’t be proactively monitoring whether the investments you’ve bought continue to represent fair value after your transaction has been executed. “Fair value” means that the expected costs (including ongoing costs) of the investment are reasonable compared to the benefits you could reasonably expect from it. You may wish to monitor the investment issuer’s website or contact the issuer directly for further information on its approach to fair value.

Information we collect for online services

To provide you with products and services, we need to collect, use, share and store personal and financial information about you, which includes personal data we obtain from you or from third parties, including credit reference and fraud prevention agencies.

Read a summary of how we use your personal data in the Barclays Privacy Policy

Conflicts policy

UK retail and commercial banks have a policy to ensure that any conflicts of interest that occur between customers of the Bank, or between a customer and the Bank, are identified and managed according to regulatory requirements.

If you need additional information about this policy, please contact us

The Electronic Commerce Directive

Find out more about how we comply with The Electronic Commerce Directive

Our complaints procedure

We're committed to providing a high standard of service to all our clients on every occasion. We recognise however, that occasionally we may not live up to your expectations or our promises.

If you have a concern about our products or services, we’d like the chance to put it right.

Find out how to make a complaint [PDF, 523KB]

Site Terms and Conditions

Read our site Terms and Conditions [PDF, 895KB]

Employer Reporting Service

When you instruct us to provide compliance reporting to an employer (or their appointed representative), the information will be transmitted in accordance with the Barclays Privacy Policy, which is updated regularly. Information we consider relevant to personal account dealing includes, but isn't limited to, account transactions, holdings and related personal information.

When you ask us to share your investments information with your employer, we will share all accounts under your control. The company may inform Barclays that the account holder has left their employment and Barclays will remove all associated accounts from our reporting process.

We currently have arrangements for Personal Account Dealing reporting to the employers listed. This list may change from time to time and any employer can ask to be removed from the service or Barclays can remove an employer at our discretion. This service is provided at the request and convenience of the employer to support their regulatory and/or policy requirements. You can ask us to contact your employer to be included in our arrangements. This service is used to help fulfil you and your employer's regulatory obligations as a participant in the financial services industry.

If an employer isn’t or is no longer a participant of the service, Barclays won’t provide any reports or data to that employer. Please note that you may still have a requirement to provide this information to your employer and if so account holders can access trade confirmations and statements through My Documents and Messages and forward these to their employer on a self-serve basis.

Accessing third party information

We provide you with financial data and other information published by external providers which may help you make investment decisions. While we believe the content they publish is accurate, we aren’t directly involved in researching it. As such, you need to understand that we share it with you under the following terms.

Financial Express

You're permitted to use data provided by Financial Express in consideration of your agreement to comply with these Terms of Use, including limitation of our liability as set out in these Terms of Use.

You warrant and undertake that:

  • You'll observe all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction
  • You won't use any information from Financial Express in any way that has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect
  • Your use of any information from Financial Express and the making of any investment as a result of such use doesn't contravene any applicable laws or regulations of any relevant jurisdiction
  • If you distribute to any person any information from Financial Express, in whatever form, you'll attach a copy of these Terms of Use and obtain the prior agreement of such other person to comply with them
  • You won't reproduce or distribute any third party content provided by Financial Express without our prior written consent
  • You won't transmit any data that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to affect the operation of any computer software or hardware adversely

Third party information disclaimer

All information from Financial Express is for general use only. No data provided by Financial Express constitutes investment advice, recommendation or investment research (as defined in the handbook of the Financial Conduct Authority). It may not be relied upon by you for any purpose, including, without limitation, in making any investment decision.

Although we take reasonable care to ensure that data provided from Financial Express is accurate, we can't guarantee or warrant the security of the data from Financial Express or the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of any of its content. Some of the content via Financial Express is provided by independent third parties whom Financial Express has no control over.

As a result, your use of data from Financial Express is at your sole risk and we can't accept any liability for loss or damage suffered by you arising from such use. You should take adequate steps to verify the accuracy and completeness of any information from Financial Express.


All trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos and graphics ('Marks') indicated on this page are registered trademarks of FE and/or its affiliates, in the United Kingdom and other countries. You may not make any use of FE's Marks without the prior written consent of FE.


Read the Morningstar terms of use


© [2021] Refinitiv. Republication or redistribution of Refinitiv content, including by framing or similar means, is prohibited without the prior written consent of Refinitiv. Refinitiv is not liable for any errors or delays in Refinitiv content, or for any actions taken in reliance on such content. Refinitiv’s logo is a trademark of Refinitiv and its affiliated companies. www.refinitiv.com


Source: FTSE International Limited (“FTSE”) © FTSE 2015. FTSE® is a trade mark of the London Stock Exchange Group companies and is used by FTSE under licence. All rights in the FTSE indices vest in FTSE and/or its licensors and they accept no liability for any errors or omissions therein. No further distribution of FTSE Data is permitted without FTSE’s express written consent.

Your levels of financial protection on Smart Investor

Client Money refers to the way in which Barclays Investment Solutions Limited (Barclays Investment Solutions) holds its customers’ uninvested cash. As Barclays Investment Solutions is not a bank, it cannot hold Smart Investor customers’ uninvested cash as a deposit in the way Barclays Bank PLC does today.

As Smart Investor is part of Barclays Investment Solutions, your uninvested cash is held as Client Money. This means it’s held by Barclays Investment Solutions as trustee, in accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA’s) Client Money rules, in pooled Client Money accounts across a range of banks.

Therefore, in the unlikely event of Barclays Investment Solutions becoming insolvent your money should be protected and returned to you. Members of this panel of banks will change from time to time. You’ll find details of these banks below.

We may receive bank interest on Client Money held in Client Money Bank Accounts. This will be retained by us and not paid to you. However, we may pay you a contractual rate of interest on your Client Money at rates determined by us and set out on our website. The rate of contractual interest is subject to change (upwards and downwards) and in certain circumstances we may cease to be able to pay it. Click here to view current interest rates.

Client Money is placed by Barclays Investment Solutions with a panel of regulated and authorised banks it selects. This could impact your level of protection if you have other cash holdings with those banks. This will not affect your access to your uninvested cash.

Eligible claimants are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) up to limits shown below should Barclays Investment Solutions (in relation to investment services) fail, and for any cash which may be protected if Barclays Bank UK PLC, or one of the selected banks, fail.

The table below shows the levels of protection you’ll have within your Investment Account and your Investment Saver (the deposit facility that operates alongside your Investment Account).

Barclays Bank UK PLC (cash)

Barclays Investment Solutions (investments services + cash)

UK authorised bank selected by Barclays Investment Solutions (cash)


Investment Saver

Investment Account

Investment Account

Level of protection

£85,000 (per depositor, per bank)

£85,0001 (per investor)

£85,0002 (per depositor, per bank)

Read more about the FSCS [PDF, 119KB]

Panel of banks

Client Money is placed by Barclays Investment Solutions Limited (BISL) with a panel of regulated and authorised banks it selects. Currently, BISL Client Money is held with a panel comprising the following authorised institutions:

  • Bank of Scotland PLC
  • Barclays Bank PLC
  • Barclays Bank UK PLC
  • Citibank, N.A.
  • Clearstream Banking S.A.
  • Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank
  • HSBC Bank PLC
  • Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (Publ)
  • Societe Generale SA
  • Standard Chartered Bank
  • The Bank of New York Mellon
  • The Northern Trust International Banking Corporation
  • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC

The panel is subject to regular review and may change at BISL's discretion.

Status disclosure

Barclays Investment Solutions Limited provides wealth and investment products and services (including the Smart Investor investment services) and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is a member of the London Stock Exchange and Aquis. Registered in England. Registered No. 2752982. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.

Barclays Bank UK PLC provides banking services to its customers and is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register No. 759676). Registered in England. Registered No. 9740322. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.

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If you have any questions, you can give us a call on 0800 279 36673