Help with Business accounts
99+ results
These FAQs may
help too
Business sectors
Find information for brokers and introducers, along with insight on the agriculture sector.
Business Marketplace
Business support services from Barclays Business Marketplace – find partners to help with payment
Business insurance
Protect your business with insurance from Barclays and Simply Business. Compare insurance quotes
Ways to do business
Our business hours should never affect yours, so we let you bank how, where and when it suits you.
Business Banking
Banking services, support and expert advice to help your business grow.
Business loans
Looking for a business loan calculator? Use ours to find out what your total repayments will
I can't see one of my accounts in Online Banking. Where can I find it?
Find out where you can see the accounts that aren't in your Barclays Online Banking here, or how
Why can’t I see all my accounts in the Barclays app but I can online?
It could be because you have more than one Online Banking profile. You can find out what to do here.
Independent service quality survey results
An independent survey asked customers if they would recommend their provider to friends and family, or other small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
Why can’t I see my other finance accounts with Barclays Partner Finance in my app?
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